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Collaborative Connections

27 November

Meet 6 pm in back of Bondi Liquor, Bondi Beach


Free for Bondi Innovation Premium Members, just use your discount code.

Become a member for $11 pm at

Bondi Innovation’s monthly social networking has evolved into a collaborative connections session that brings together inspiring entrepreneurs, innovators, creators, and the community.

Following the success of last month’s advice sharing session we will run a structured session to help useful collaboration.

Come with an idea or challenge you’d like feedback on, where you are looking for collaborators, or come to share your advice and experience to help get to solutions.


6pm: connect and mingle for great conversations

6:45pm: collaborative connections session

  • identifying collaboration points
  • quick self-intros
  • bouncing off ideas
  • advice sharing
  • challenges and solutions

7:25pm resume inspiring conversation with new connections

We look forward to seeing you there.

NOTE: A different venue this time, back of ground floor at Bondi Liqour

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